Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The New Face of Literature Alive!

Literature Alive! has grown over the past few months, and, now that I am off for the summer, it was time to start creating classrooms and repositioning current structures.

The face of LA has grown over the past few months; it started in a mall, then moved to private land, and now covers plots on 10 sims. The growth is amazing, but, really, is rather humbling. So many people have stepped forward to realize this passion that burns deep within me.

Teaching English and making learning fun is a passion. Helping others live out their passion is also a passion. But, the reality is that I could not do this alone. I get no funding from my own college, and it was costing me about 200 USD to rent all the lands I was using (and that doesn't include the costs of uploads or paying designers).

So, I had to rethink my strategy and I had to ask for help. To my surprise, many in the community are stepping forward with various resources. Now, I just need to generate some sources of linden to pay for uploads and to offer some sort of stipend to Eloise (who has been doing all of these work pro bono). She doesn't expect to get paid, but her generosity of spirit (and talent) makes me want to give something to her. SL is how she makes her RL living, and if she is building for me, that means she is not working on a paid project.

At present, the Literature Alive! Project includes:

The Literature Alive Headquarters
New Location! http://slurl.com/secondlife/Eduisland%20II/181/237/23
  • The Teleportation Station (Designers: Desideria Stockton, Neoznet Watts)
  • Founders Hall Conference Room (Designers: Desideria Stockton, Neoznet Watts)
  • Phoenix Educational Design Studio (Designer: Neznet Watts)
  • Desideria Stockton's Official Office/Studio (Designer: Desideria Stockton)
  • Sponsor: Phoenix Educational Designs
  • Designers: Neoznet Watts, Desideria Stockton

The Collaboration Station: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Norcott%20West/38/38/22/
  • The Collaboration Classroom
  • The Treasure Chest Web 2.0 Classroom
  • The Gaming Station
  • The Blog Station
  • The Community Writing Project: A Tale of an Avatar
  • Sponsors: Cattle Puppy Productions and SLCN.tv
  • Designers Desideria Stockton, Eloise Pasteur

The Literature Web-Tree of Knowlede Project: This is a fully interactive tree that demonstrates how authors influence authors. Starting with Beowulf, each branch will spread and illustrate other authors that were influenced by the writings.
  • Sponser needed

The DeSales Contemporary Fiction Cassroom http://slurl.com/secondlife/Finger%20Lakes%20Island/218/38/23

The British Literature Classroom Series
  • Sponsor: Chris Swaine, Education UK
  • Designers: Desideria Stockton, Eloise Pasteur, Students, Residents

British Literature I (Beowulf-Pope):

The American Literature Classroom at Monclair State CHSS (many thanks to AJ Brooks and The College of Humanities and Social Science at Montclair State University for allocating space and Eloise Pasteur and Neoznet Watts for their volunteer building and scripting efforts). Projects in ITALICS are under development:

American Literature I (Puritan-Civil War):

American Literature II (Civil War- Present) UNDER CONSTRUCTION

The Women and War Learning Community Classroom at Drexel Island (Sponsor: Drexel University and Jean-Claude Bradley (Designers: Desideria Stockton, Neoznet Watts, Eloise Pasteur) http://slurl.com/secondlife/Drexel/196/40/24
  • World War II History Submarine Classroom (Designers: Neoznet Watts, Desideria Stockton, Foe Hammerer)
  • Women's Studies Classroom Suite (Designers: Neoznet Watts, Eloise Pasteur, Desideria Stockton, Foe Hammerer)

Literature Alive! is always hoping to provide free and useful content to the community. It is an exciting time in SL.

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